女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 学姐圈养(转载)(5)


"Um ~ ?"
In the uncleary and drunk, the happy drunk brought by the body and mind, Jiazi gradually entered the world of dreams.
"Ohh Ohh ohh……"
Chew, chew ... 咕嘟 ...
On the other hand, in the night of the extreme fatigue and harass, sipping the rice and kitchen waste in the small stool in the son.
The night tears flow. Because today is the "rest day" of Jiazi, how brutal thing I have encountered. Why, what do you have to meet this?
(I, now I am alive and alive ...)
I don't know the night. Before being imprisoned by Jiazi, it was driven by Jiazi as a whipped sandbag toy, and was forced to eat her soak soak. After excretion of the tongue after excretion of the tongue.
Do you live for something? Why do you exist yourself?
There is only one answer that question.
(I am alive for this woman ... ...??
Yes, if you accept this situation, you can't think that you are alive.
It can only be considered to exist for good sake.
It is 100% of "Songtian Jiazi" as "Senben Night".


- Ah, right. Sorry, I forgot you.
That moment, I remembered this sentence I have said before.
At that time, Jiazi forgot the existence of the night. She forgot the existence of this man who was allowed to be allowed to eat urinary rice.
In other words, Jiazi has lived with a full life in the world, and even forgots the small world in this room, and there is the night of the night.
"Ah ah ah ah ah……!!!"
This is really, too much.
Obviously, he was imprisoned to make him 100% of life gave himself, but this is only a small part of the good life, she has never thought of the man.
If you are 100% of each other, there is no problem.
Even if it takes 100% of "imprisonment" such as "imprisonment", if you can get 100% of love, you will feel yourself.
However, this woman is not intended to give each other on the basis of imprisoning each other and takes 100% of him, but is a full life in the world.
"Make men, as their own abuse vents", this terrible behavior is simple to "hobbily", just a small spice in her life.

copyright nzxs8.cc

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ..."
Now, the night is understood. If Jiazi has a strong interest in himself, further say, just have a little love to contact him, you will not have such a painful suffering.
I was forced to give birth to Jiazi, but in the life of Jiazi, the night is a gift, whether there is a line. So he feels deep pain.

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